Why you need to start Gardening

At the tender age of 23, after playing around with the idea of Gardening, I started my own home garden in June 2017.

Yes. Gardening is not just for your 75-year-old Grandma

Having my own garden seemed like the most sensible thing to do because I buy veggies and fruits too often.

In my mind, if I take seedlings for the fruits and veggies I love and put a little time and effort into growing them, I would be more appreciative of the product and hopefully expand my garden to have my faves right at my fingertips. 

In addition, it is just cost effective,which is always welcomed in a time like this where the cost of food is ridiculous.

Also being vegan with my veg and fruit consumption doubling. Starting a garden is a wise decision.

Gardening for me is inexpensive, relaxing and fulfilling.

A lot of people do not realise how cost effective it is and that is unfortunate.

Think about it. The money spent you spend on purchasing one fully grown fruit or veg for a price, you could get multiple seedlings for the same amount of money.

Let us say in my case, I pay $10 for a bag of tomatoes. Tomato seedlings are really inexpensive. I believe I paid 50c for 1 at one point in time. 

With that $10 you could get 20 seedlings and you would never have to buy tomatoes again because you have a constant supply in your garden.

Having a garden would eventually elimate the need for you to do veggie shopping in your local supermarket.

One of the myths I heard was,

 “Gardening is too much work. I don’t have the time to take care of plants” 

I promise you. I am a full-time medical student and it is not taking many hours of my day to hose down my plants and remove a few weeds.

Gardening for me is inexpensive, relaxing and fulfilling.



So far, In my little garden I have grown Tomatoes, Corn, and Lettuce. 

I just started my herb garden and I most excited about that. I would give you guys an update in the future.


As of right now, I am working on making my tomato growing skills better.

Even though my tomato trees were growing and bearing, the plant itself was dying while it was bearing fruit. Weird right?

So I uprooted the old ones and starting fresh with some seedlings I got 2 weeks ago.

In addition to dealing with my tomato plants, I am trying to control the pests that are eating the leaves of my corn plants 😦

Hopefully, that goes well

Thanks for reading

Sincerely, Ann

19 thoughts on “Why you need to start Gardening

  1. I love my garden and seeing things grow. There’s something amazing about growing a huge plant that bears fruit from a seed. Now if only the weather would cooperate so they can grow.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I couldn’t agree more! I live in a loft with no outdoor space, but I didn’t let this stop me! I added hangers to my windows as well as windowsill planters and bam! I’ve had tomatoes, jalapenos, parsley, and mint all summer long. My garden brings me so much joy! I can’t wait to get a home with a yard 🙂


  3. We did our first garden this year! It’s so rewarding. We planted acorn squash, butternut squash, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins, corn, tomatoes, kale, and green peppers. So far we harvested acorn squash, zucchini, and tomatoes. The cucumbers and peppers are coming in but the animals keep eating the kale 😩 Don’t know if the rest will get fruit but we’re still so excited about what we’ve got!


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